[Zope-CMF] Pending review broken?
Jan Ulrich Hasecke
11 Oct 2001 09:08:27 +0200
I think something is broken in my CMF-Site, but I do not know what.
I made up a CMF-Site, some people logged in and played around.[1]
Everything went fine. People submitted things, I published them. But
since yesterday "Pending review" is kinda broken. Whenever I klick on
"Pending review" I get a list of _all_ documents in the CMF, whether
published, pending or private.
I discovered that seemingly _all_ members see the "Pendings review"
link in their tool box!
I have not the slightest idea what I've done to mix it up.
Any help?
[1] If you want I will tell you something about the problems absolute
beginners have with CMF. I had to write a handful of how-tos in german
to tell the members how to make a news or a document, and what for
are metadata and submitting.
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