[Zope-CMF] Dreamweaver + Webdav, only little ideas

Samuele Brignoli samuele.brignoli@darpha.com
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 14:30:20 +0200

Hi all,

I'm a novice and I'm searching a way to modify Zope templates from my local
computer via WebDav. I've discovered that DW does't appreciate too much the
DTML code, so which is the best choice to manipulate visually the templates?
Maybe ZPT, but I'm working with CMF and I have some doubts about the
integration of this two Components. Tomorrow I have a briefing with a
customer, I have to solve the problem of updating site. Maybe the idea of
creating new Contetn Types in CMF, with the proper skin is the only
successfull. But if that how can I create new content types, where is the
documentation ?

	Please help me, give me some guidelines...
