[Zope-CMF] MetaZope.org
Casey Duncan
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 14:59:12 -0400
On Tuesday 09 October 2001 09:13 am, Chris Withers allegedly wrote:
> Hello...
> Just found this:
> http://metazope.org/metazope
> Looks kindof funky, no?
> Apparently you can get it from:
> http://zope.org/Members/runyaga/CMFPloneSkin
> It needs CSS, but it's still proof that Zope doesn't _have_ to look butt
> ugly ;-)
> Chris
The funny thing is I suggested the idea for this site on the #zope chat one
Saturday and by Monday there was a CMF/ZEO based site running on two
Now we just need some content, that and another few hours in a day... 8^)
Runyaga gets the credit for the great skin. I myself am still a CMF newbie,
but we've all gotta start somewhere...
Casey Duncan, Sr. Web Developer
National Legal Aid and Defender Association