[Zope-CMF] indexing again

Florent Guillaume fg@nuxeo.com
17 Oct 2001 10:53:28 GMT

The reindexing of workflow-wrapped method is mainly a side-effect of the
need to get the new review_state (and other worlkflow variables)

IMO the object should do its reindexing, be it in edit() or setTitle()
or whatever. It's an object after all, it should be self-contained.

There may be performance constraints there, maybe a way to update only
some specific attributes of an object in the catalog would be useful
(currently an update just unindexes then reindexes all the object).

	-- Florent

seb bacon  <seb@jamkit.com> wrote:
> There was a discussion a while back about the correct place to reindex
> objects.  IIRC, the consensus was in the object itself, e.g. the edit
> method of a Document.  However, in the current cvs head, reindexing
> seems to take place only in Workflow-wrapped methods, or in
> DublinCore.editMetadata().  
> So, what's current thinking?  Should one make objects explicitly
> indexed, or should one always workflow-wrap methods which change
> objects?
> The wrapping approach seems too much like magic to me.
> seb
Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo SARL (Paris, France)
+33 1 40 33 79 10  http://nuxeo.com  mailto:fg@nuxeo.com