[Zope-CMF] Get list of published items that user has access to
Tres Seaver
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 21:56:01 -0400
davelehman@loewen.com wrote:
> This is working great, except that it doesn't seem to be honoring the
> "effective date" specified in the metadata. I assumed the document
> wouldn't show up in the catalog until the effective date, but looks like
> that isn't the case.
> eg. I create a new document and set the effective date to tomorrow. I
> publish it and it shows up immediately in the searchResults.
> Is there an extra filter I can add to the search to have it honor
> effective_dates?
Can you please verify that this is true only if you are logged in as
a manager or reviewer? Non-privileged users should only see content
which is within its effective range.
You can also explicitly add it to your query:
<dtml-in expr="portal_catalog( ....
, effective=ZopeTime()
, effective_usage="range:min"
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com