[Zope-CMF] How to add a new metadata property to metatdata (defaultDublinCoreImpl)

Grégoire Weber gregoire.weber@switzerland.org
Tue, 04 Sep 2001 12:09:21 +0200

Hi everybody!

In my CMF prototype I like to list the creator and the contributors 
of a content item.

I would like to have a method 'Creators_and_Contributors' which 
returns a tuple or list containing the creator and all contributors. 

So I tried (as in other cases also) to hotfix the 
'DefaultDublinCoreImpl' class, but without success (see code and
error message below).

It seems the variable 'security' is not available on python level.

Can somebody give me a hint or a better solution where I do not have
to alter the CMF code?

Anyway, isn't this something which should be in the CMF per default?


P.S.: I am working with Zope 2.3.3 and CMF 1.1 on WinNT4sp6


The code of my hotfix product (filename __init__.py)::

  from Products.CMFdefault.DublinCore import DefaultDublinCoreImpl
  from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo

  security = DefaultDublinCoreImpl.security

  security.declarePublic( 'Creator_and_Contributors' )
  def Creator_and_Contributors(self):
      "Dublin Core element - return list with creator and contributors"
      return (self.Creator(),) + self.Contributors()

  DefaultDublinCoreImpl.Creator_and_Contributors = Creator_and_Contributors

Error message at zope startup::

  2001-09-04T09:59:12 ERROR(200) Zope Couldn't import
  Traceback (innermost last):
    File D:\prog\zope\lib\python\OFS\Application.py, line 528, in
      (Object: string)
    File F:\user\greg\data\zope\Products\CMFDefaultHotfix\__init__.py, line
96, in ?
  AttributeError: security

Grégoire Weber