[Zope-CMF] newbie question

Jon Edwards jon@pcgs.freeserve.co.uk
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 09:07:05 +0100

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joćo Neves [mailto:joao@fabricadeideias.com]
> The error I get is:
> Unauthorized
> You are not authorized to access meta_type.
> .
> ending with:
> File /usr/local/zope/lib/python/AccessControl/SecurityManager.py,
> line 149, in
> validate
>                 File
> /usr/local/zope/lib/python/AccessControl/ZopeSecurityPolicy.py,
> line 229, in
> validate
>               Unauthorized: (see above)
> Any ideas?

Unfortunately, I think you've chopped off the important bit :-)

If you look up the traceback from the bottom, the name of the last
object/file mentioned is probably the one causing the problem?

Maybe try commenting out your <dtml-in ......> and see if the error still


Cheers, Jon