[Zope-CMF] Only LoginForm anonymously viewable?
Rémi Houdaille
Tue, 18 Sep 2001 10:24:41 +0000
Chris Withers a écrit :
> If I want only the login form of my CMF to be anonymously viewable, how do I go
> about doing it?
> (especially as the login form is FS-based)
The way I do it (not so good... but in case it helps)
1) remove permissions for anonymous on the portal :
either through the ZMI
or in the python code (CMFDefault/Portal.py or whatever you replaced it with) :
in setupPermissions, remove the permission inheritance (last parameter to mp()
set to 0 instead of 1), and add :
mp('View', ['Member','Manager',], 0)
2) add anonymous view permission specifically to login_form and logged_out :
I tried to do that in Python in manage_addCMFSite but this DID NOT work for me
So I currently set the view permission the following way :
- "customize" login_form (and logged_out) through the ZMI,
- give the permissions to the customized versions throught the ZMI,
- do this each time you create a new portal instance :'-(
PS: here is the code not working in python (seems to have no effect) in case
somebody can point out my mistake.
gen = PortalGenerator()
p = gen.create(self, id, create_userfolder)
gen.setupDefaultProperties(p, title, description,
email_from_address, email_from_name,
# added code for anonymous permissions (NOT WORKING) :
logout = p.restrictedTraverse('portal_skins/generic/logged_out')
logout.manage_permission('View', ['Anonymous','Member','Manager',], 1)
login = p.restrictedTraverse('portal_skins/generic/login_form')
login.manage_permission('View', ['Anonymous','Member','Manager',], 1)