[Zope-CMF] ZMF vs ZEO

Gitte Wange gitte@babytux.dk
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 23:05:25 +0200

At 16:05 19-09-2001 -0400, you wrote:
>zexps cannot put stuff onto your file system. if there is a filesystem 
>directory view  installed by that product the zexp cannot miraculously 
>access your file system to dump stuff into it.
>either the product author forgot to add those files to the package (must 
>be separate, it's not part of the zexp) or you did not unpack those 
>separate files if the author did indeed deliver them with the product.
>this is not a CMF issue, it's an issue of that specific product.

Sorry to bump in on this but I'm the maintainer of the package mentioned
here :-)

Last night James wrote me ant told about his problems. So I tried to
install the .zexp product on the same server but another zope instances as
the one I packed it on. Everything went okay.

What I think is the problem is that either James forgot to put the
'MMMCore' folder into the Products dir of his Zope instance.

If not then it's the FDV that is causing the problem. Maybe FDV's isn't a
good thing to pack along with your products ... 

James: You could try to remove the FDV folder named 'MyMediaManager', add
another FDV, name it 'MyMediaManager' and select the skin folder of

Let me know if this fixes it ..

Gitte Wange

>On Wednesday, September 19, 2001, at 04:00 , James Johnson wrote:
>> Jens,
>>  I gather from the other post the problem is with the OS path.  I've done 
>> a
>> short test with the following.
>> Win98 2nd
>> Zope 2.4.1
>> CMF recent CVS :-)
>> Default Python
>> NT4
>> Zope 2.3.3
>> CMF 1.1
>> Default Python
>>   I don't have ZEO installed on any machine.  Of course I do have my copy 
>> of
>> ZEO, waiting to be used someday, many thanks people.
>>   The informal test involves the Generic_uk.zexp from the current version 
>> of
>> the mmmanager product.  It uses the CMF framework, and I believe was
>> constructed on a linux machine. The FDV is empty when imported to my win
>> machines.  There is one external method under custom, but that's also on 
>> the
>> file system isn't it?
>>   I can import other older and newer CMF instances made from the win 
>> machines,
>> and the FDV shows up with the correct contents.  Can it also be some kind 
>> of
>> import error causing the contents not to show up from the linux zexp?
>>> ===== Original Message From Jens Vagelpohl <jens@zope.com> =====
>>> james,
>>> the skin directories are usually so-called Filesystem Directory Views. in
>>> order to show any content they expect to be pointed to a valid directory
>>> on the file system that has files in it.
>>> .zexp files, when imported, cannot stick stuff onto your machine's file
>>> system. they can only add to your ZODB.
>>> are you sure there is no actual filesystem-level piece of that product
>>> that is either not installed in your setup or that the maintainer forgot
>>> to include in it?
>>> jens
>>> On Wednesday, September 19, 2001, at 12:43 , James Johnson wrote:
>>>> I have the same problem with just the CMF. I'm using
>>>> CMF 1.1
>>>> Zope 2.3.3
>>>> Win NT4
>>>>   When trying to import the mmmanager demo zexp product, I get empty 
>>>> skin
>>>> directories.  I can import a clean instance of the CMF.  I was told by
>>>> mmmanager support that they were able to import their demo fine on I
>>>> think a
>>>> linux box.
>>>> -hth
>>>>> I saw a problem like this one time when I imported a CMF Site into one
>>>>> server that had been exported from another server, in which the
>>>>> filesystems differed. I was able to make it work by deleting the
>>>>> existing filesystem skins folders, and recreating them with new
>>>>> Filesystem Directory View objects.
>>>>> It seems that the FDV objects are not remapped in an import, thus were
>>>>> pointing off into nowhere. I'm not sure why you would be having this
>>>>> problem with ZEO clients, unless their filesystem didn't exactly match
>>>>> each other. Not sure if this helps, but at least it's a place to start
>>>>> looking.
>>>> k1
>>>> +++
>>>> Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
>>>>> i have never seen this symptom in my ZEO CMF setups.
>>>>> jens
>>>>> On Tuesday, September 18, 2001, at 03:12 , Chris Withers wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Did anyone ever solve the problems that occur when using the CMF with
>>>>> ZEO?
>>>>> Specifically, on most clients, the skins _folder_ are showing up but
>>>>> they
>>>>> don't
>>>>> haev any contents :-(
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