alan runyan alan runyan" <runyaga@runyaga.com
Thu, 27 Sep 2001 16:05:58 -0500

I am trying to make a 'internet' website that objects will be 'copied' into
after the workflow process has been completed.  but I ran into one problem:
CMF Content Objects can not be pasted into a Folder.  They can only be
pasted into a Portal Folder.  to create a Portal Folder:
ex: foldersihObj.manage_addProduct['CMFCore'].manage_addPortalFolder(id,

Q: will this always be like this?  will we ever be able to treat *most* CMF
Objects like regular ZOPE Objects?

someone added a Portal File to a Portal Folder via the ZOPE Mgmt interface.
This way of adding objects to ZOPE/CMF doesnt work as expected.  I think
because there is some Type metadata that wasnt added to the Portal File when
I created it through the ZOPE Mgmt Screen.  but this is all below (can
acquire the portal) the PortalObject.  could it acquire this information?
