[Zope-CMF] Multiple search by using portal_catalog...
Tres Seaver
Mon, 08 Apr 2002 09:58:57 -0400
josef_meile wrote:
> I just solved the problem by returning the title, subject and
> description fields in the SearcheableText method. I don't know if it
> is the optimal solution, but it works. Anyway, does anybody have
> another idea?
That probably is optimal; the intent of the SearchableText method is
to allow each content type to specify what the "default" full-text
is for searching.
> --- In zopeCMF@y..., "josef_meile" <jmeile@h...> wrote:
>>I'm looking for a search that return all the objects that contain a
>>word in at least one (and not in all) of the following fields:
>>- Title
>>- SearcheableText
>>- Subject
>>- Description
Create a PythonScript in the root of your CMF site (or in a custom
skin folder); e.g., call it 'JosephsTextSearch', defined as::
keywords = ' '.join( [ context.Subject() ]
return ' '.join[ context.Title(), keywords
, context.SearchableText(),
, context.Description()
Add a TextIndex of the same name ('JosephsTextSearch'), and reindex
it (all your context objects will acquire the PythonScript as a
Finally, search against it:
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com