[Zope-CMF] Letting users be reviewers for some content
Antwan Reijnen
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 00:34:06 +0200
Hi Heimo / huima,
this is possible with the dc workflow product. You can define workflows based per contenttype. So for group-calendar you could create a group-calendar-workflow where the members have permission to review the content, or publish directly on submit. I did the same for something similar: 'agenda' and 'news'.
Good luck, Antwan.
At 01:07 15-4-02 +0300, you wrote:
>I tried to search answer, but did not find any yet. Is it possible to let members to review content by them selves, but only some content. For example members could automaticly review and publish content for group-calendar etc.?
>Zope-CMF maillist - Zope-CMF@zope.org
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