[Zope-CMF] Non-standard metadata
David Harvey (Hamish)
17 Apr 2002 14:25:56 +0100
Oops, sorry, I've just found this email:
And the response to it answers (disappointingly!) my second question.
And if there's no mechanism to add (usable) elements then I guess there
isn't a policy either, which answers the first.
I've got a steeper learning curve ahead of me than I realised. *Sigh*.
On Wed, 2002-04-17 at 13:52, David Harvey (Hamish) wrote:
> Two questions about the metadata tool.
David Harvey (aka Hamish)
Research Assistant, Water and Environmental Management Research Centre
University of Bristol, Lunsford House, Cantock's Close, Bristol BS5 6BU
Tel: +44 (117) 9289768 Fax: +44 (117) 9289770
Email: david.harvey@bristol.ac.uk
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