[Zope-CMF] Searching CMF returns all objects
Grégoire Weber
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 16:52:30 +0200
Hi Tres, Andreas,
> > Remaining Problem
> > -----------------
> >
> > Both corrected/completed external methods generate the following error
> > (site with
> > german content containing 'Umlaute') (Zope 2.5.0):
> Hmm, I think we need to delete and re-create the Vocabulary object, too.
> In fact, I will CC Andreas Jung, and see if he can't get a monkey-patch
> available which automates this process for any old catalog.
That would be nice and probably avoiding many of the catalog related messages
on the list.
Tell me if I can help you in testing or in any other manner.
Grégoire Weber