OK- RE: [Zope-CMF] using a sql method in plone..
chris larsen
Sun, 4 Aug 2002 15:40:02 -0700
Roger that. Thank you!
I guess the only confusion now is do I call the python script from the
dtml method of the fields modification page? E.g. if I use "<dtml-call
getUserID>" in the body of the dtml document they're viewing -if
"getUserID" is the Id of the python script-?
Should I make a "zsearch interface" for the report? And just call the
python script?
-----Original Message-----
From: alan runyan [mailto:runyaga@runyaga.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2002 7:31 PM
To: chris larsen; zope-cmf@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope-CMF] using a sql method in plone..
please do not post to the mailing list using HTML format - its
>Could someone please give me an explanation on how the user profile
id) is referred to so I can associate it with a sql column to be
inserted/selected as? For example, if the
>username is "chris", how would I view all of the data in a table that
to do with that user id? Such as;
>Select * from table where userid="chris";
create a ZSQLMethod, sqlFetchDataByUserid that has 1 parameter called
that does the
select * from table where userid=<dtml-sqlvar userid type="string">
then with a Python Script you can grab the username and then call the
sqlmethod and return the results. this way you can put some login in
python script to securely make
sure the person who is asking for the data is ok to view it.
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
resuts = context.sqlFetchDataByUserid(userid=userid)
return results
>I want to enable each person to only see/modify their record(s) in the
table. Seems like a pretty simple question??
it is a simple question, and as above shows .. its quite simple
>Any simple way of doing this with CMF/plone or should I just use a
id and have them enter their name to pull that record. One thing is
that I'
m concerned about other
>people guessing and pulling up other names to then modify. Hrmmmm.
you should never let m them enter their name. you can get this
from ZOPE baed on the application level security.
p.s. select * from table is bad practice you really ought to select
col2, col3 from table