[Zope-CMF] Scriptable Type - Meta Type question
Chris Withers
Mon, 05 Aug 2002 10:15:02 +0100
Jeffrey Franks wrote:
> I've customized 'File' as a scriptable type 'MyFile' that has some
> additional attributes. Both content types will be made available,
> but for widely differing purposes.
> The original meta type is 'Portal File'. Should I change this
> to some new meta type for the 'MyFile' portal_type?
No, leave it as 'Portal File'. Meta type is always the metatype of the
udnerlying file system class.
> The original portal_type 'File' has a meta type of 'Portal File'.
> Why the difference?
There's no difference, the meta type is 'Portal File' in all TIO's that are
based on CMFDefault.File.File
> What are the implications and usage difference of portal_type
> and meta type?
Use Portal Types for different types of content.
Use Meta Types when you write a new file system class.