[Zope-CMF] Re: java classes in zope
Romain Slootmaekers
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 09:31:46 +0200
cijiisen wrote:
> Hi all,
> Would it be possible to make use of
> JPE (Java-Python Extension)
> http://jpe.sourceforge.net/
> for using java inside zope?
> JPE allows java programs to access python classes.
> I hope some experienced zope developers would have some idea on this.
> If so hope someone can help me.
> It would be great if I could do all my development in Java and yet make use
> of zope and its components.
> i.e be able to do the coding I do in java !
> Thanks,
> Ciji Isen
Why not try Jython? run your zope on your Java VM and you can do
whatever you want in Java.
on the side:
honoustly. why whould you write code in Java?
The only reason I can think of for the Java in Zope is that you want to
make use of (legacy) existing java code.