[Zope-CMF] Howto use CMFStaging?
Shane Hathaway
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 00:10:56 -0400
Tim Hoffman wrote:
> Yep
> Done that.
> Apart from one email from Shane Hathaway which I have read, so I know
> why I want to look at CMFStaging specifically, all the other emails on
> the topic are suitably vague.
> Bottom line, there is very little written about CMFStaging, and the code
> is sufficiently uncommented such that trying to work out what is going
> on, and how things relate ain't easy.
> Oh well, if I work out how to make it do something I shall post it here.
Sorry, CMFStaging and CMFWorkspaces work as they stand, but the process
of integrating them into a site is not fully determined. Of the
customers that have used them so far, each has had very different
requirements, and the products were integrated in different ways. So it
would be quite difficult to write documentation for the general case,
since we can't guess very well what the general case is yet.
Someone could write for a specific case, though. I wish someone could
just visit F'burg to get trained on the two products, then write public
docs according to what they learned. That would be grand! Or maybe a
phone call would be sufficient. Visiting would be more fun, though. :-)