[Zope-CMF] A little nit in my python based content type - can't get icon to render.

Jeffrey Franks jfranks@quik.com
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 23:20:08 -0500


I'm working on my 1st python based CMF Product.

The 'icon' parameter of factory_type_information is not rendering. This should
be a no brainer (sigh).
The code I'm using is very similar to the various CMF Products and CMF itself.

I'm using utils.ContentInit in __init__.py to access new content class from portal_type
tool. I've used this to replace the explicit registerClass implementation
because I didn't think both were needed. True?

BTW: registerClass had    icon = "images/site_icon.gif" rendered just fine.

The fti defined in the DocSite class starts like this:

factory_type_information = (
    { 'id'             : 'Document Control Site',
      'meta_type'      : 'Document Control Site',
      'description'    : """\
      Document Control Sites wrap document control objects \
      and work flow policy.""",
      'icon'           : 'site_icon.gif',
      'product'        : 'CMFDocControl',
      'factory'        : 'addDocSite',
      .... snip ....

I've registered the directory that the gifs are located in as

     registerDirectory('images', globals())

Everything works except the icon for this CMF content_type does not
render (it shows up as a broken icon).

What am I missing ?

Might it have something to do with the Extensions/Install.py
which I have not implemented? And, what are these additional
installs seen in some CMF Products?

-- jlf