[Zope-CMF] Eliminating the /Members directory?
David Elfstrom
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 14:20:00 -0400
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Thanks, Andy! It's never too late :-)
>*** This is what I describe as 'security through obscurity'. But then, I
>don't think my members are out to hack my site!!!. I actually feel it's an
>area which Zope lacks. If you have access to a folder, then you have access
>to everything below it. There are no rules for "You can only access what you
An alternative would be to use a database table to store the news item,
along with the member's name. Then you could let only the member edit it.
But that would take us away from the whole zen of Zope!
David Elfstrom, P.Eng elfstrom@sten.sunnybrook.utoronto.ca
Systems Engineer, Research Computing
Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Sciences Centre
Rm#S6-20, 2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Canada M4N 3M5
phone: 416-480-6100 x3416 fax: 416-480-5714
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