[Zope-CMF] Directory mapping under CMF
Dieter Maurer
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 21:25:31 +0200
J C Lawrence writes:
> ...
> > Shane already told you about LocalFS.
> I've been poking into LocalFS ever since Shane mentioned it (Thanks
> Shane!), but have yet to figure out why I keep getting authentication
> errors under it.
Whenever you use Basic Authentication, you analyse security problems
by canceling the browser's login dialog. You will then get an
error page detailing the failing access. From there, you start
analysing by looking at the code referenced in the traceback
(at least, if necessary).
When you do not use Basic Authentication, do it temporaryly for
analysis purposes. You can clear the "login_form" of "CookieCrumber"
to effectively disable it.
> ...
> Next after that is how to get a LocalFS folder to appear under a
> FolderContents view of a Member's folder (Plone).
It might be necessary to wrap the LocalFS instance into a CMF Type such that
the "content*" methods find them.
But almost surely, you want a CMF-ified version of LocalFS that maps
folders to "PortalFolder" and (local) file content to CFM content
objects rather than standard Zope objects.
> ...
> > You may also look at "Filesystem Directory View".
> Aye, that's where I started. My problem there is the constraints on
> what directories may be viewed (rooted at Products).
Chris may by now have fixed this (CVS head).
I am not sure, but I think, that the directory can be anywhere.
You just need to register the directory.