[Zope-CMF] Need help understanding portal_actions tool and
interfaces thereto
Tres Seaver
20 Aug 2002 12:41:23 -0400
On Fri, 2002-08-09 at 16:21, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Phil Glaser writes:
> > I need to do some fairly extensive customization of CMF/Plone and am trying
> > to understand what the portal_actions tool is and how it works.
> It asks a (configurable) set of "Action providers" (see the corresponding
> tab) for actions applicable in the current context.
> It is itself an action provider. It provides the actions, you
> define in its "Actions" tab.
> It exposes the actions collected via an API documented in the
> online help (I think, at least).
> > ...
> > For example, the "local roles" action in the "my
> > stuff" contentTabs menu is not listed in the portal_actions tool. "Action
> > providers" make no sense to me.
> That's very sad. It would help you to understand where the "local roles"
> action comes from:
> An action provider is simply an object implementing the "action provider"
> inferface. Via this interface, the ActionsTool can ask the
> object which actions are available.
> Examples of action providers are: the WorkflowTool (it provides
> the workflow actions), the MembershipTool (it provides the
> "login/logout" actions), the RegistrationTool (it provides the
> "join" action), ....
> I do not know which tool provides the "local roles" action.
> If necessary, search the sources.
Just cleaning up my zope-cmf folder, so apologies if this one has been
answered already. The "Local roles" action is defined on the Folder
type object inside 'portal_types'.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com