[Zope-CMF] A modest proposal to add a Unique ID to all
content/folder objects in CMF
Tim Hoffman
21 Aug 2002 14:47:33 +0800
Hi Max
Yes I have read that document quite some time back now.
A couple of points I would make is that I am not trying to address
all of the areas of ExplicitObjectReferences.
My proposal is to keep the solution as simple as possible. No parent
references etc.... but does address some of the uses/requirements for
ExplicitObjectReferences as outlined in that document.
That the UniqueZid in this solution is only of value for retrieving
objects via the portal_catalog.
And I would suggest that it is a CMF only solution, though there is no
reason that it couldn't be used in non CMF applications, it's just I
think it would be useful if it where part of CMFCore.
I gather all of this sort of thing is addressed in Zope3 with the
I am using this solution now (www.designingfutures.com.au) which is CMF
based for about 4 months, and it appears to be robust.
And it would seem that ExplicitObjectReferences aren't likely to appear
in Zope 2.x or CMF 1.x any time soon.
See ya
On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 14:19, Max M wrote:
> Tim Hoffman wrote:
> >I would like to call it a UniqueZid for want of a better name. Basically
> >it would be a new mixin class (see below) which would be added to
> >CMFCore.PortalFolder, and CMFCore.PortalContent It would necessitate all
> >classes that Subclass PortalContent to call PortalContent.__init__(self)
> >in their init method to initialize the UniqueID. In addition we would
> >need to to the __init__ method to in PortalContent (and add an __init__
> >method to PortalFolder) to call UniqueZid.__init__(self)
> >
> >
> You should know that this problem has been discussed before at some length:
> http://www.zope.org//Wikis/DevSite/Proposals/ExplicitObjectReferences
> regards Max M
> "klaatu verata niktu"