[Zope-CMF] error with zKnowMan

Doug Thompson DougThompson@KeyDataConnections.Com
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 08:22:01 -0400

At 04:48 PM 8/22/2002, Dieter Maurer wrote:
>cijiisen writes:
>  > The installation doesnt speak of creating the file or directory!
>  > It does speak of executing 2 scripts
>Then you must do this. If it fails, the installation is incomplete
>and you must expect further errors (as you observe).
>  > but when I run em
>  > I get the error
>  >
>  > [cijiisen@simpson ZKnowMan]$ ./zkmServer.bat
>  > Traceback (most recent call last):
>  >   File "zkmServer.py", line 8, in ?
>  >     from zkmDb import ZkmPageDb, ZkmPage
>  >   File "zkmDb.py", line 7, in ?
>  >     import ZODB
>  > ImportError: No module named ZODB
>This means, the PYTHONPATH is not set correctly.
>Either you execute the script at the wrong place (in the file system
>hierarchy) or it expect that you manually set PYTHONPATH.
>Read the installation instructions again very carefully.

Yes.  The first line of the Readme says it will only work on Zope 2.2.1 ;-)
I haven't gotten it to work on anything else.

>Watch out for where the scripts should be executed, what assumptions
>are made for script execution...
>  > [cijiisen@simpson ZKnowMan]$ ./zkm
>  > zkmBatchDownloader.bat  zkmServer.bat
>  > [cijiisen@simpson ZKnowMan]$ ./zkmBatchDownloader.bat
>  > Error getting options dictionary from Zope: <exceptions.SyntaxError 
> instance
>  > at 0x8130b9c>
>A SyntaxError indicates some problem with (source) code.
>Find the place where this output is produced and print the
>SyntaxError exection in a bit more informative way.
>I expect "str(SyntaxErrorInstance)" will already do the trick.
>If not, look at the source (--> Python library: exceptions.py).