[Zope-CMF] Please help!!!!: Asking for the role...
Alastair Burt
23 Aug 2002 22:57:30 +0200
mcolli@SyscomCipher.com.ar writes:
> Now I have the following problem. The document that should have the
> intelligence to differ between Anonymous User and Authenticated one is
> created in Plone site (Add Document), and it seems not to support DTML in
> it...
> If a create a separate DTML Method the condition works fine. How can I do
> to work with DTML through Plone? Is there any way to call for a DTML code
> from a Plone Document??
I think you are trying to use Plone in a way that was not intended. The
people who create DTML methods are sytem administrators and they use the
Zope Management Inteface. The people who use the Plone interface to create
Plone documents never know what an authenticated user is, and never see
DTML code, ever.
--- Alastair