[Zope-CMF] Examining portal_actions with the Zope app object
from the Python interpreter
Chris McDonough
27 Aug 2002 18:49:21 -0400
Hello Phil,
This is an unfortunate dependency that some Zope machinery has on the
web request.
The quickest and surest way to get around this is to run Zope in such a
way that it doesn't detach from the terminal ("./start -D
STUPID_LOG_FILE=" will likely work. Then insert a breakpoint into the
source code in the method that is getting called. In this case, you'd
want to open the file on your hard disk named
"CMF/CMFCore/ActionsTool.py", navigate to line 222 (at least in my copy
it's 222, it might be somewhere else) and just under the "docstring"
(indented the same amount as the following lines), insert the following:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
Then restart Zope and invoke the method that calls
listFilteredActionsFor from a browser. A pdb prompt will be shown on
your terminal. At that point, use "self" to refer to the actions tool.
Use "self.getPhysicalRoot()" to get the "app" object. "p" prints the
value of an expression. "n" steps to the next statement. "s" skips
into a method or function, and so on. You can execute Zope line-by-line
in this way to see what goes on.
Instead of doing this, you might be able to "import Zope" (as you
already know how to do) and get a hold of the "app" object. Then wrap
the app object in a fake request like so:
from Testing.makerequest import makerequest
app = makerequest(app)
At this point, the call to listFilteredActionsFor *might* work but also
might not. Emulating a full web request is pretty hard and nobody has
worked on it well enough for it to be foolproof, but this might come in
handy for something else.
- C
On Tue, 2002-08-27 at 17:11, Phil Glaser wrote:
> Fellow Seekers!
> At Alan's suggestion, and following the path of the yogis (or should I say
> Zogies?) who have come before me, I am attempting to educate myself about
> the intenerals of CMF by insantiating Zope from the Python command line and
> examining with the objects directly. In particular, I'd like to see for
> myself what's going on when the main_template does the following:
> <tal:block tal:define="global actions
> python:here.portal_actions.listFilteredActionsFor(here)">
> So, here's what I did:
> 1. Turned off Zope
> 2. Fired up /usr/local/Zope/2-5-1/bin/python
> 3. Imported os, os.path, sys, string
> 4. Set apended '/usr/local/Zope/lib/python' to sys.path
> 5. imported Zope (if you don't turn off Zope as above, importing Zope won't
> work here)
> 6. assigned Zope.app() to the local variable "app"
> I then examined app's namespace (__dict__) and marveled at how beautiful and
> cool Zope is that it lets you do this. Surely the bliss that all beings seek
> was closer at hand and I rejoiced that my practice of the Middle Way of Zope
> Zen was beginning to pay off. I then navigated through the object hierarchy,
> starting with the app object, until I got down to the portal_skins object.
> 7. Assigned the portal_skins object to a local variable named "portal_skins"
> 8. Tried the following command:
> portal_skins.portal_actions.listFilteredActionsFor(portal_skins.custom)
> The error messages I got back indicate that I'm getting closer to the bliss
> I am seeking on this journey, but that "don't know mind" was blocking my
> path; here's what I got:
> ****************************************************************************
> *******
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> File "/usr/local/zope/2-5-1/lib/python/Products/CMFCore/ActionsTool.py",
> line 187, in listFilteredActionsFor
> ec = createExprContext(folder, portal, object)
> File "/usr/local/zope/2-5-1/lib/python/Products/CMFCore/Expression.py",
> line 61, in createExprContext
> object_url = object.absolute_url()
> File "/usr/local/zope/2-5-1/lib/python/OFS/Traversable.py", line 48, in
> absolute_url
> return join([req['SERVER_URL']] + req._script + path, '/')
> KeyError: SERVER_URL
> ****************************************************************************
> *******
> Obviously, because I'm not running the server in the usual way, there is
> something that's missing from the context. What can I do to make this error
> go away and get a result from listFilteredActionsFor() (and, hence, get
> closer to The Unconditioned)?
> Also, the Python instance here does not respond to the usual escapes as far
> as editing the interpreter command line (e.g., backspace does not work
> properly, Ctrl-P does not give me the previous command, etc.). Is there some
> way to fix this? (I'm in Linux 7.2)
> Many thanks!
> Regards,
> Phil
> Philip Glaser
> Principal and Software Architect
> Sustainable Software Solutions, LLC
> StillSmallVoice@DirectvInternet.com
> www.sustainsoft.com
> 973-951-9522
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