[Zope-CMF] Plone1.0-alpha4 released
alan runyan
alan runyan" <runyaga@runyaga.com
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 11:40:08 -0500
I'm thrilled to announce the Plone Team has released Plone1.0 alpha4. You
can find it at http://sf.net/projects/plone
There has not been major feature enhancements as much as wide spread
adoption of previously exisiting features!
portal_form tool is a proxy that enabled very flexibile form
validation/navigation controls. you can say
when a form validates do X, when X finishes do Y. You can chain validators
and do all sorts of
cool things. We are trying to think about multi-page form validation but we
are not expecting to have
that in 1.0. We also have a mechanism to overcome to pre-generated objects
which will not be turned on
by default until 1.1.
Changes are listed in the HISTORY.txt - too many to attempt to list.
We have 2 translations of Plone with the AltPT project
The i18n team are getting their thoughts organized and soon we will start a
plone-i18n mailing list.
Plone at this point is considered feature complete (pls, no cries from the
peanut gallery) but we can
release another alpha. If all goes well and lots of people download
Plone1.0-alpha4 and report no
problems. We will issue a beta in the next week. beta is most certainly
considered feature complete.
Once we release the beta of Plone 1.0 we will also migrate http://plone.org
to it. Currently the website
is running an ancient version (~ 3 months old) of Plone. Please give
feedback to the http://plone.org/collector