[Zope-CMF] Set member defaults?
ERIC Lawson - x52010
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 12:15:37 -0800 (PST)
> I'd like to set the default public roster listing for new members to on
> (yes)...how could I do that?
As it turned out, I was misinterpreting the check boxes in the
portal_memberdata Properties screen. Now I can set the default for
> I'd also like the manager to be able to change the public roster listing
> attribute of existing members...how could I do that?
This problem remains. Maybe I could, as manager, take ownership of the
member folder, view, personalize? I hesitate to do that because I don't
know any method for returning ownership to the original member....
Searches of the mailing list for likely terms haven't yielded any
pertinent information; wading through the existing documentation hasn't
yielded any clues.
What the axiom of infinity is meant to say would be expressed
in language by the fact that there is an infinite number of
names with different meanings. -- Wittgenstein