[Zope-CMF] Allow Manager to edit properties of other users

Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
17 Dec 2002 12:50:16 -0500

On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 12:32, Chris Withers wrote:
> Tres Seaver wrote:
> > It couldn't have died out then, as it wasn't possible from PythonScripts
> > (as the example is) until CMF 1.3, which exposed 'CMFCore.utils' to
> > them.
> Sorry, that wasn't clear. What wasn't possible until CMF 1.3?

Calling 'getToolByName' from untrusted code, such as ZPT or

> > It is still "best practice", as it easees finding (and updating!) the
> > tool dependencies.(-> Zope3 "services").
> Urm, I the usage of a standard id appears to be a lot more common throughout the 
> CMF code. Not sure what impact that will have...

'getToolByName' still requires that you know the "well-known name" of
the service;  but Zope3 services are *also* looked up by name, so it
shouldn't be a problem.  The major point is that client code *doesn't*
assume that tools will be found by implicit acquisition (although that
is how 'getToolByName' is currently implemented).

Anyplace in the CMF codebase which directly acquires a tool (mostly in
templates and Python Scripts, rather than trusted code) is a candidate
for cleanup.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com