[Zope-CMF] Moderated Discussion
Lennon Day-Reynolds
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 11:44:48 -0800
Plone is ZPT-based, and uses CSS extensively, and Blark just clobbers the
layout and style. Perhaps it's less a DTML vs. ZPT issue, and simply a
product of how much of the look-and-feel for it's section of the site Blark
simply takes over.
Right now, Plone provides the basic look-and-feel for more or less the
entire site. It may go away, though, as I become more comfortable with skin
setup myself. Using ZPT is more or less a hard requirement, though, as the
site's look-and-feel need to be maintainable via standard design tools like
Dreamweaver without me or another programmer having to "port" every piece
of updated HTML to DTML.
As far as reuse of existing discussion tools goes, I'm certainly open to
options. I'd rather not introduce a RDBMS dependency, (as Squib does) but
it might be a usable stopgap.
Lennon Day-Reynolds
On 2002.02.15 10:08 Alan Runyan wrote:
> > Agreed -- I've gotten Blark up and running, but it seems to effectively
> be
> > a standalone tool, not an integrated part of the CMF-driven site. All I
> > want is a top-level "Forum" tool that serves as a description and root
> > object for a set of threaded discussion "Postings". The postings need
> to
> be
> > moderated, which means workflow via the CMF interface, not the ZMI.
> this is a pretty basic need. everyone wants this and a voting and/or
> trust
> metrics.
> what about having a tool that fronts Squib (TheJesters bulletin board
> product?)
> > Oh, and just to keep things interesting, I'm testing with the Plone
> skin,
> > which is very, very pretty, but doesn't play nicely with DTML-based
> tools
> > like Blark. If you're already working on a similar project, I'd be
> happy
> to
> > collaborate on it with you. My project is for a non-profit group that
> would
> > prefer to have their tools be open-source, but we're also certainly
> > flexible.
> thats strange. why wouldnt it play nicely ? what parts of plone do you
> want to render?
> ~runyaga