[Zope-CMF] validateMetadata
Antwan Reijnen
Thu, 03 Jan 2002 11:36:27 +0100
Hi Tres,
your help is very much appreciated, thanks again.
I wonder however: suppose the metadata is not valid. I first have to store it, and ony AFTER storing takes place, I can test it.
Is there for that situation a way to rollback the editMetadata call? I'm not a undo / rollback-expert :-) so sorry for asking the obvious.
Greetings, Antwan.
At 13:28 31-12-01 -0500, you wrote:
>Antwan Reijnen wrote:
>>I have a question: is validateMetadata in the portal_metadata
>>tool ever called? Should I call it myself when editing my metadata?
>>Because: If I setup a required subject in portal_metadata, with an
>>enforced vocabulary, and I enter a random subject (not in the
>>vocabulary), this subject is stored normally. No MetadataError or
>>other compaints are raised here...
>>Any help or pointers are appreciated.
>Your suspicion is correct; the method is not called by any
>"out-of-the-box" CMF skins. I would customize the 'metadata_edit'
>PythonScript and have it call 'validateMetadata' after calling
>>Greetings, HAPPY NEWYEAR!!!
>To you and yours, as well.
>Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
>Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com
>Zope-CMF maillist - Zope-CMF@zope.org
>See http://www.zope.org/Products/PTK/Tracker for bug reports and feature requests
Antwan Reijnen
DEXUS New Media
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