[Zope-CMF] private docs shown to other members, pending shown
marc lindahl
Thu, 03 Jan 2002 15:16:12 -0500
I have a site which has a similar permissions structure... I do it by making
the site public, but then assigning local roles inside folders for people to
see, seems to work. Otherwise, someone's gotta fix that bug!
> From: Lynn Walton <waltonl@franklin.edu>
> Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 12:56:49 -0600
> To: marc lindahl <marc@bowery.com>, CMF Mailing List <zope-cmf@zope.org>
> Subject: Re: [Zope-CMF] private docs shown to other members, pending shown
> Hi Marc,
> I know how to do that basically. But I don't know how to make the changes
> that will cause it to not be affected by this
> bug ... until ZC does a bug fix. I don't have enough time (too many other
> non zope projects) to delve into the code to figure this out.
> http://www.zope.org/Products/PTK/Tracker/410/1
> Do you have any ideas?
> Lynn
> marc lindahl wrote:
>>> From: Kari-Hans Kommonen <khk@uiah.fi>
>>> Now the next step is to look for info about a way to create and
>>> install our own workflow...
>> DCWorkflow lets you do TTW workflows - start with the default one, which
>> mirrors the old workflow, and modify it suitably.
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