[Zope-CMF] dynamic list of content-types for the zope ZMI
Tres Seaver
Tue, 08 Jan 2002 05:41:52 -0500
Oliver Bleutgen wrote:
> Tres Seaver wrote:
>> Oliver Bleutgen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to find my way through the API for CMF filesystem products.
>>> Bjorn Stabell pointed out to me how to use portal_types +
>>> portal_skins to get a fixed product with changeable "templates".
>>> What I want to do is to write a product which can be added through
>>> the ZMI (not the CMF GUI) and where the user can select which template
>>> it will use (through selecting the portal_type).
>>> The problem is now that I can't know beforehand which different
>>> portal_types will be based on an object of that meta_type, and I'd
>>> like to dynamically gather that list at the moment the user wants to
>>> add an instance.
>>> AFAIK, CMF-products use CMFCore.utils.manage_addContentForm(), which
>>> knows about the content_types lastly from utils.ContentInit(...),
>>> done in the products __init__.py, where content_types =
>>> (tuple_of_objects,) is passed.
>>> Is there a way to stay within the framework (i.e. still use
>>> utils.manage_addContentForm) and get the addForm to show the
>>> content_types dynamically? Using ComputedAttribute perhaps?
>> Have a look at how the 'folder_factories' skin method does it
>> (basically, it acquires the 'portal_types' tool and then queries
>> it for type information objects).
>> Tres.
> Tres,
> thanks for your answer, but I suspect I didn't quite explain myself
> the right way.
> For the normal ZMI, CMF-products seem to use utils.manage_addContentForm
> as the addForm - consistently.
> This method gathers the right meta_types and passes them
> to addInstance form which finally renders the addForm.
> tl = []
> for t in ci.content_types:
> tl.append(t.meta_type)
> return addInstanceForm(addInstanceForm, self, REQUEST,
> factory_action='manage_addContent',
> factory_meta_type=ci.meta_type,
> factory_icon=None,
> factory_types_list=tl,
> factory_need_id=1)
> Perhaps my question is more of a python question.
> Can I achieve ci.content_types to be dynamic? Perhaps with usage of
> ComputedAttribute in my products __init__.py?
> As I understand it, your answer covers the things to do after I know how
> to do what I'm not able to ATM.
You are not going to be able to reuse 'manage_addContentForm'
(which is, in fact, half-broken), if that is what you want.
The issue here is that CMF content needs to know explicitly
about its "portal_type", as well as its "meta_type"; unless
you end up calling 'invokeFactory', passing 'type_name' (or do
the equivalent work yourself), that binding won't be set up.
To do what you want, you need to query the types tool for a list
of type names (filtered by metatype, I guess) and use that list
to build your ZMI-based add form::
# Generate list of type names based on 'Foo' metatype.
type_objs = getToolByName( self, 'portal_types' )
my_types = filter( lambda x: x.Metatype() == 'Foo', type_objs )
type_names = map( lambda x: x.Type(), my_types )
You can then use 'type_names' to build your add form.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com