[Zope-CMF] unit testing evil
seb bacon
11 Jan 2002 10:56:52 +0000
> Here is the script I use::
So, run_all_tests is defunct, then? Should we remove it from the
repository, I wonder.
Also, should we add some docs regarding tests? A copy of
$ZOPE_HOME/doc/UNITTEST.txt, a short CMF-unittest-HOWTO, and a copy of
your script might be a start (I'll do this if you like).
> I think I recall the "can't import ZServer" error you note as
> a ZEO bug; the fix is either to include $ZOPE_HOME in $PYTHONPATH
> or to symlink $ZOPE_HOME/ZServer into $ZOPE_HOME/lib/python (I
> normally do the latter when setting up a new Zope sandbox).
Right, this works now (symlink). ZOPE_HOME is already in PYTHONPATH and
it still doesn't work without the symlink.
> BTW, CMFCollector currently has no tests (at least, not on the
> head); are you planning to add some? Also, I don't think that
> 'all_cmf_tests.py' currently includes CMFCollector's 'test_all',
> as it has been empty.
I hadn't got as far as checking for Collector unit tests :-) I won't be
adding one for my fix since I don't have time.