[Zope-CMF] cmf topics and virtual host monster
Jens-E. Hansen
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 16:32:31 +0100
Hi Bill!
Sorry I was not able to reply to your posting earlier.
> I am in the process of digging out the patches I've done to the Skins,
> which is related since this is a "bug" in the skin, IMO. I've fixed mine
> by changing the skin .. jas I'll dig it up.
> OK, it appears I changed the objURl defintiion:
> -<dtml-let objURL="portal_catalog.getpath(data_record_id_)">
> +<dtml-let objURL="getURL() + '/view'">
> Seems to work fine on my site(s). try it and let me know. I am using VHM
> with Mod Proxy.
I use CMF-1.2 and page templates. I tested a dtml based skin. The topic_view.dtml
works but topic_view.pt generate the unususal URL's.
I hope you can help.
Thank you