[Zope-CMF] New CMF tool has bogus __roles__

Dan L. Pierson dan@control.com
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 16:07:40 -0500

--On Thursday, January 31, 2002 08:29:45 PM +0000 Chris Withers 
<chrisw@nipltd.com> wrote:

> "Dan L. Pierson" wrote:
>> >>> d.postings_tool.__roles__
> Just an outsiders comment, I think you should be looking to improve the
> CMF discussions tool rather than adding a postings_tool...

I'll be talking about this in my presentation next week.  Maybe you'll
be there to argue the point :-)

In brief: Our main goal at this point was to store the postings in an SQL
database while breaking as little other code as possible.  I don't see
how I could have met either of those requirements by working on the CMF
discussions tool.  IMHO, moving to an external storage changes things
radically enough that a new tool was justified.

Since we are trying to migrate Squishdot postings, there is no attempt at
all to store CMF Documents in the SQL database.  I think that would
actually be harder when you consider trying to maintain CMF metadata in
an external storage in a way that might possibly stay in sync with the
changing CMF.