[Zope-CMF] InvalidObjectReference - Plone
alan runyan
alan runyan" <runyaga@runyaga.com
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 17:26:42 -0500
> On Ter 02 Jul 2002 19:09, Tres Seaver wrote:
> | Does the problem go away if you restart Zope in between the
> | two operations? How about if you refresh the Plone product? Either
> | of these would be a clue that module-scope globals were in play.
> |
> | Tres.
> Yes, if we restart zope the problem goes away. But the code that raises
> error only deals with addAction basically, and if we remove it, the
> goes away. So, if theres a problem there, the problem can be related to
> Actions Tool. Any help will be appreciated.
actually anytime you addAction() to something uses ActionProviderBase
but I think this isnt necessarily the problem