[Zope-CMF] Re: ZOPE Question

Grégoire Weber gregoire.weber@switzerland.org
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 00:16:40 +0200

Hi Ahish,

Please also have a look at:


My short answers below.

At 14:50 03.07.2002 +0530, you wrote:
>i read you question which you had put on zope mailing list on 27 june 2001.
>i am new to zope .
>i had installed DCWorkFlow and using it.
>i am having same problem which you had,that is :
>Is it correct, that the URL in "Display in actions box" has to be the same
>kind of dtml method as "content_submit_form" is for the default workflow?=

It normaly is something like %(content_url)s/content_submit_form

>content_submit_form is a DTML method that much i can understand.

Yes. But could be also any other type of object.

>But if i had to define a whole new workflow,how do i do it.?
>If i have new states,say Editor state,then what should i write in Editor
>states Display action box's URL(formatted) field?

I do not understand fully what the question is. I try an answer:

The object called by URL(formatted) is a page which is shown before the 
statechange is made. Have a look at the DTML/ZPT page.

>Right now what i tried to do,is that i created a new workflow,and tried to
>define its state exactly like it is in the DefaultWorkFlow (Classic),with
>all the parameters same.
>The error which is shown now is that :
>Error Type: WorkflowException
>Error Value: No workflow provides "review_state" information.

Sorry, can't help with this amount of information. People on the list 
need more information like Url of the page which caused the error, 
the complete traceback shown in the error page etc. 

>I am not sure what is the problem.
>if youhave any solution,then please tell,

Address your question to the CMF list also and you normaly get answers
much faster. I was doing a Non-Zope-Job today -- ugly DSP assembler 
hacking :-(, so I had no time to answer during the day.

Greetings, Greg

Grégoire Weber