[Zope-CMF] How to Override CMFDefault Content Class Methods?
Tres Seaver
14 Jul 2002 14:37:19 -0400
On Sun, 2002-07-14 at 09:22, Yuppie wrote:
> Hi!
> What I want to do, is to customize the behavior of existing CMFDefault
> content items, without
> - touching the CMF Product
> - converting existing content objects to items of a new subclass
> The only way I know is the 'Scriptable Type Information' of the CMF
> Types Tool, but it just lets me customize the construction of a new object.
> 1. Is there a way to add/change methods of existing objects?
> 2. Will it be possible in Zope3?
> 3. Or shouldn't I do that for any reason?
Skins allow you to add new "actions" (ZPT, DTML Methods, PythonScripts,
External Methods) to the site; these "methodish" items can be
associated with particular content types by way of the "Actions" tab
of the 'portal_types' tool. No conversions required, but you may need
to be fairly clever in implementing these skin methods to ensure that
they work cleanly for both "old" and "new" instances.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com