[Zope-CMF] Mounted storage and member folders

Toby Dickenson tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 23:29:15 +0100

On Wednesday 17 Jul 2002 8:01 pm, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Brad Clements writes:
>  > I'm planning a CMF site that will be used by experimental aircraft
>  > builders.. Hence a lot of pictures will be uploaded by each member.
>  >
>  > Eventually, I will want to distribute the "site" on CDROM, or allow
>  > individual members to "copy" their own member folder in some way.
>  >
>  > Rather than ending up with a single gigantic ZODB, is it
>  > reasonable/practical to use mounted storage with CMF so that each
>  > members folder is a mounted storage object?
>  >
>  > If I do this, I could have 300+ of these member folders, (all served
>  > through ZEO).
> I do not feel very well.

Thats my reaction too, but I cant think of a good reason why. Ignoring=20
practicalities of the current implementation, it sounds like something th=
*should* be possible.

>   Each mountable storage will at least use one file descriptor.
>   File descriptors are a very scare resource. The upper limit
>   on many Unix systems is 1024, the default limit is much smaller.

MountedStorage only opens its storage on demand, and closes the storage w=
no longer needed. I dont see this is a problem unless you need ZEO; today=
ZEO server does keep all storages open.

Also, not all storages permanently keep a file descriptor open.

> If I would want, I would make preliminary tests.
