[Zope-CMF] problems using SkinnedFolders / CMFForum
Robert Rottermann
Sun, 21 Jul 2002 21:20:41 +0200
When I try to create Post instance in a CMFForum-Folder I get an error that
Error Type: AttributeError
Error Value: DateTime instance has no __call__ method
Hunting down the problem I found the following peculiarity:
The error happens in Post's factory when (in _setObject, manage_afterAdd)
when accessing Date.
in CMFForum self.modified is a DateTime instance
>>> type(self.modified)
<type 'instance'>
when adding a CMF-document, then self.modified is a method.
>>> type(self.modified)
<type 'Python Method'>
runjaga hinted that some optimisation done for CMF1.3 provoke errors in
conjunction with folders that inherit from SkinnedFolders (as CMFFolder
Can anyone tell me more what could be the reason, and how to rectify the