[Zope-CMF] Performance questions.
Tres Seaver
25 Jul 2002 12:48:04 -0400
On Thu, 2002-07-25 at 06:06, Romain Slootmaekers wrote:
> Yo, we are planning to
> set up a CMF site with >30000 members.
> Has anyone done this before, and what are the (performance/hardware)
> issues one has to deal with?
You will want to be careful about scaling both the user folder (handling
authentication) and the area where member folders are created (unless
you suppress member folder creation on the membership tool).
For the user folder, *don't* use Zope's stock version; try instead one
of the add-ons such as LDAPUserFolder (auth against an external LDAP
server) or exUserFolder (custmizable suth, e.g. using SQL methods).
For the member areas, you will want to set up the 'Members' folder as
something other than a "stock" Portal Folder, which stores sub-objects
directly in its '__dict__': BTreeFolder/CMFBTreeFolder is one
possibility; another would be to "hash" the member ID onto a tree of
intermediate subfolders: e.g., the member folder for 'tseaver' would go
into 'Members/t/s/e/tseaver'.
How many of these members do you expect to be active on the site at one
time as either readers or writers? You should investigate scaling the
entire Zope instance using ZEO and / or Squid, most likely.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com