[Zope-CMF] Delete (and edit) permissions within portal folders...
Andy Bramah
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 09:21:53 +0100 (BST)
Hello all,
All is going quite well with figuring out how to
publish folders within Plone. As people on this
discussion group have pointed out, portal folders can
follow workflow. It seems however that Plone needs
modification to allow it - I've put a bug report and
comments here:
Now for the related question:
I need a folder in which you can _only_ delete (or
edit) what you own.
I have played around with various permissions, but the
most powerful one seems to be 'Delete objects'.
However, if I check the check box for 'Member', then
Members can delete anything they want. If I uncheck
it, a Member cannot even delete content he created. If
I check Owner, then only the Manager can delete (as I
created the folder).
I'm sure it must be possible, with a secret blend of
checkbox action...
Andy 'I've now ticked a million checkboxes' B.
Andy Bramah
23, Cleaver Square
SE11 4DW
07989 970 626
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