[Zope-CMF] Q) About development process for python based product
alan runyan
alan runyan" <runyaga@runyaga.com
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 17:28:21 -0500
> http://www.zope.org/Members/eenge/CMFBoringContent
> and basically take it from there.
I also suggest the CMFCalendar module that has the Event object.
> -> also learn how to debug Zope stuff from inside the IDE,
> instead of just cucu-debugging your stuff.
> (use a good IDE, like komodo and try
> http://www.zope.org/Members/andym/KomodoDebugging
> )
> BTW,The IDE will also help you with SCCS stuff.
get ZEO configured. this way you can start up a interactive python shell
and manipulate the ZODB.
> -> set your products to 'auto-refresh' while developing, so you don't
> need to restart your product all the time.
yes.. refresh.txt file needs to be in your products folder
> -> build test cases for automated testing. Personally, I hate to
> manually go through some test scenario clicking all over the place a
> zillion times a day,
> I just code the test scenario, and that takes 1 hour of coding , and 1
> click/test-run.
testing comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. there are unit tests
available for CMF.
> If you have good software development skills, you'll be able to
> get the hang of it within a day or so.
yes, but you have to get your environment setup.
ZEO is very helpful, I recommned -