[Zope-CMF] AccessRule doesn't work
Keller Nicolas
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 15:59:08 +0200
I want to protect an intranet from external access. Everytime a user comes
from the internet and not from the intranet, he should be forced to login
before he can access other areas of the cmf-instance.
I ended up with this simple python script:
if REQUEST.REMOTE_ADDR[:12]!='123.123.123.':
if context.portal_membership.isAnonymousUser():
return container.login_form(REQUEST)
I placed it in the root of my cmf and put an AccessRule on it.
Now the bad thing: It just don't work :(
It seems as Zope/CMF ignores it. If I put nonsense in it (like adding a new
line at the bottom: return "THIS IS CRAP") nothing happens - at least in the
normal web view of the CMF, the management interface always sends me back to
the root of my Zope if I want to access an object inside the CMF. The plain
script above without any nonsense in it just doesn't affect anything.
This sounds very crazy but I couldn't find a solution for weeks now. Perhaps
someone here can help?
Thanx in advance,
Nicolas Keller