[Zope-CMF] Plone 0.9.9 broken on Debian Zope

Jan Ulrich Hasecke janulrich.hasecke@web.de
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 09:10:47 +0200

Thanks to all for the quick anwsers.

"alan runyan" <runyaga@runyaga.com> writes:

> Please use PLONE from CVS.  Also use CMF from CVS.  Plone no longer works w/
> CMF1.3b1.
>>From the existing Plone 0.9.9 package you can use the Formulator and
> DCWorkflow Products.
> We will release a full tarball by end of today.

I tried out the cvs, installed all CMF* and the Plone-stuff in
/var/lib/zope/Products and Plone shows up unbroken in the ZMI.

But when I create a Plone Site I get this error

Error Type: Bad Request

Error Value: The id "portal_calendar" is invalid--it is already in

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 150, in publish_module
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 114, in publish
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py, line 159, in zpublisher_exception_hook
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 98, in publish
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py, line 88, in mapply
    (Object: manage_addSite)
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 39, in call_object
    (Object: manage_addSite)
  File /var/lib/zope/Products/CMFPlone/PortalFactory.py, line 382, in manage_addSite
  File /var/lib/zope/Products/CMFPlone/PortalFactory.py, line 359, in install
    (Object: TestPLone)
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExternalMethod/ExternalMethod.py, line 205, in __call__
    (Object: install_events)
    (Info: ((), {}, None))
  File /var/lib/zope/Products/CMFCalendar/Extensions/Install.py, line 108, in install
    (Object: TestPLone)
  File /var/lib/zope/Products/CMFCore/utils.py, line 290, in manage_addTool
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/ObjectManager.py, line 236, in _setObject
    (Object: TestPLone)
  File /var/lib/zope/Products/CMFCore/Skinnable.py, line 129, in _checkId
    (Object: TestPLone)
  File /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/OFS/ObjectManager.py, line 72, in checkValidId
    (Object: TestPLone)
Bad Request: (see above)


In the meantime I use Zope from sid, still 2.5.1


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