[Zope-CMF] RFC: CMF 1.3 Release Quandry

Lalo Martins lalo@laranja.org
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 11:25:34 -0300

On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:56:19PM +0100, David (Hamish) Harvey wrote:
> +1
> There's a plone theme to the responses....

If you insist, +1

  It doesn't bother me that people say things like
   "you'll never get anywhere with this attitude".
   In a few decades, it will make a good paragraph
      in my biography. You know, for a laugh.
http://www.laranja.org/                mailto:lalo@laranja.org
         pgp key: http://www.laranja.org/pessoal/pgp

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