[Zope-CMF] Query about DCWorkflow
Shane Hathaway
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 11:05:06 -0400
John Morton wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 05:08, mcolli@SyscomCipher.com.ar wrote:
>>I have installed DCWorkflow product and I have seen the examples available
>>but when I try to create my own workflow from one existing I can not define
>>some of the things as appear in the examples: For example the 'destination
>>state' when you define a transition. Is there any place I should go in
>>order to define this kind of things?.
> The destination state pulldown menu for a particular transition will list all
> the states you've already defined under the states tab for the workflow.
> Here's how I generally go about putting together a new workflow:
(snip excellent guide)
Say, do you have contributor CVS access? If you do, could you add your
steps to the DCWorkflow documentation?