[Zope-CMF] zpt skin weirdness
Jens Vagelpohl
Sat, 2 Mar 2002 20:56:52 -0500
check to see if the skin path that you use has the zpt-based skins for the
calendar before the dtml-based skins.
On Saturday, March 2, 2002, at 07:56 , Steve Arnold wrote:
> Howdy:
> I'm still trying to wrap my brain around some of the basic zope stuff,
> so maybe I shouldn't be messing with CMF (but I couldn't help myself ;)
> I installed CMF 1.1 with the calendar stuff, then created a portal. A
> later updated to CMF 1.2 and created another portal instance. This
> second portal has the new ZPT-based skin as the default. When I
> modified the generic/standard_top_bar to add a calendar link to both
> portals, it worked on the first one, but not on the second one. That's
> when I noticed that the ZPT skin in the second portal keeps it's basic
> template files in another set of folders. I found the nav_bar code in
> the zpt_generic/main_template file and added my calendar link to the
> top_bar.
> However, and here's the weird part, when I click on the new calendar in
> the top_bar of my portal site (with my default preference set to use the
> ZPT skin) it displays the calendar, but it switches to the old basic
> skin (ie, no more ZPT look and feel). Then it switches back again when
> I click on another link. What the heck is going on?
> I've been trying to figure this one out on my own, but I think I'm
> stumped. Anybody got any ideas? There must be a few CMF gurus out
> there... Please?
> Thanks in advance, Steve
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