[Zope-CMF] Plone, CMF and LDAPUser
Jens Vagelpohl
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 22:55:43 -0500
i would try the products separately first to isolate the problem:
- install a LDAPUserFolder outside of the CMF instance and make sure you
can authenticate in that location so that you know your LDAP configuration
is correct.
- instantiate a CMF with a LDAPUserFolder in it and CMFLDAP installed.
repeat your tests, including joining the portal or changing preferences
using the preferences form in the CMF
- then as the last step install the plone skin and test again.
On Monday, March 4, 2002, at 03:38 , Hirendra Hindocha wrote:
> Hi,
> I've Zope 2.4.3 , CMF 1.2 and , Plone 0.9.9 running on a RH 7.2 with
> Python 2.1.1.
> I installed the LDAPUserFolder and also installed CMFLDap but I'm having
> trouble getting authenticating to work with Plone. I keep getting the
> login screen when I opt to sign in in the CMF site.
> Can Plone, LDAPUserFolder and CMFLDAP co-exist ?
> --
> Hiren